The Zeroth Position
By Matthew “Nullus Maximus” Reece and guest contributors where noted
(in chronological order beginning with most recent)
Eleven Observations on the Capitol Protest
The Not-So-Current Year: 2020 In Review
The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2020 Edition
On Being Suspended From Twitter
Colonize Your Bookshelf, Part IV
Colonize Your Bookshelf, Part III
Colonize Your Bookshelf, Part II
Colonize Your Bookshelf, Part I
On David Friedman and Liberty Minecraft
On Libertarianism and Pandemics
Song Lyrics: Don’t Fear the Wenyi
A Glossary of Social Justice Warrior Terminology, 3rd Edition
Afghanistan: The Road Not Taken
Thirteen Observations on Super Tuesday 2020
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Compulsory Voting
The Next Hero of the Soviet Union
Book Review: The Problem of Democracy
Book Review: The Anti-Federalist Papers and the Constitutional Convention Debates
A Libertarian Reactionary View of Tariffs, Part I
Corporate Censorship Is the Product of Power
Venezuela: To Solve a Tinderbox
Civil Rights Are Not the Answer to Corporate Censorship
Thoughts During the Burning of Notre Dame
Song Lyrics: If You Cannot Solve A Problem
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Universal Basic Income
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Tax the Rich
Twelve Observations on the Covington Incident
Liberty Minecraft Quarterly: Winter 2019
The Not-So-Current Year: 2018 In Review
Book Review: Anarcho-Monarchism
Song Lyrics: SEC Got Run Over By A Bitcoin
An Introduction to Immaterial Technology, Part I
The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2018 Edition
On Private Imperialism and Colonialism
A Holistic Approach to Ending Corporate Censorship
On Universalism, Genocide, and Libertarianism
Liberty Minecraft Quarterly: Autumn 2018
Ten Observations on the Brett Kavanaugh Smear Campaign
Henry Olson Misunderstands Libertarianism
The Case For Executing Pedophile Priests
Book Review: One Nation Under Gold
Eleven Observations on the Brett Kavanaugh Hearings
An Overview Of Autistic Conservatism
The Rise and Fall of the Sturmabteilung
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Impeach Donald Trump
The Myth of Tremendous Government: A Reply to Mark Christensen
Book Review: The New Wealth of Nations
The Producerist Theory of Society and Civilization
How Much Force is Best for Civilization?
How Leftism Killed the Boy Scouts
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Minimum Wage
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part XII: Greed
Capital Punishment as Ritual Magick for Social Order
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part XI: Immaterial Externalities
Song Lyrics: Mr. Politician Man
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part X: Time Preference
On American Intervention in Syria
On Degeneracy, Loss, and Civilization
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part IX: Trust
An Overview of Second-Order Logical Problems
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part VIII: Authority and Elite
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part VII: Libertarian Philosophy and Social Contract
The Color Theory of Conflict, Part I: Order of Battle
A Glossary of Social Justice Warrior Terminology, 2nd Edition
How To Manufacture A Sociopolitical Movement
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part VI: Authority and Liberty
Ten Observations on Right-Wing Activist Bans in the UK
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part V: Aristocracy, Republicanism, and State
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part IV: Libertarian Governance
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Anti-Discrimination Laws
Eliminate Government Shutdowns
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part III: Governance, State, and Defense
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part II: Property and Liability
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Conscription
On Libertarianism and Statecraft, Part I: Political Strategy
On Libertarianism and Statecraft: Introduction
Agreeing With Statists For The Wrong Reasons: Cryptocurrency Bans
Book Review: Reactionary Liberty
On Leftist Academics, Respectable Opinion, and Civil War
Bill Wirtz’s Helicopter Skydive
The Not-So-Current Year: 2017 In Review
On Individualism and Nationalism
Eight Politically Incorrect Benefits of Cryptocurrency
On Traditionalism, Degeneracy, and Compassion
How To Argue Against Modern Anti-Capitalism
The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2017 Edition
Should Libertarians Support Ethnic Nationalism?
Book Review: Libertarian Reaction
On Consumerism, Corporatism, Time Preference, and Modernity
Book Review: The Art Of Invisibility
The Case For Judicial Corporal Punishment
Guns Are The Only Bulwark Against Tyranny
On Citizenship And Casual Totalitarianism
Twelve Observations On The Catalonia Independence Vote
Lecture: Libertarianism and Reaction
The Ethical Notions Of Personhood And Savagery
Book Review: Calculating The Cosmos
How To Rein In Censorious Technology Giants
Thirteen Observations on Events in Charlottesville
On The Relationship Between Libertarianism and Fascism
The Definition and Role of Degeneracy
A Critique of Libertarian Strategy
The Curious Case of Net Neutrality
A Consideration Of Helicopter Rides
Book Review: Closing The Courthouse Door
Blame Democracy For Heated Political Rhetoric
A Squandered Opportunity Against Judicial Activism
A Case Against the Eleventh Amendment
Nine Observations On The Congressional Baseball Shooting
The Immediate Danger Standard Is Statist Nonsense
Book Review: The Science Of Selling
The Benefits of a Trump-Russia Conspiracy
Fashion As A Harbinger Of Revolution
Authority, Anarchy, and Libertarian Social Order
Strategy Against Antifa: 2nd Edition
On the Imbalance of Political Terror
Book Review: Islamic Exceptionalism
Ethical Theories at the Murrah Building
On the Supply Objection to the Gold Standard
Book Review: Level Up Your Life
Fourteen Observations on Events in Syria
A Case Against the Second Amendment
Nine Observations on the Westminster Attack
On Libertarianism and Conquest
Tucker, Spencer, Libertarianism, and Fascism
A Comprehensive Strategy Against Antifa
The Political Autism of Anti-Protectionism
How The Left Can Still Win The 2016 Election
Book Review: The Invention of Russia
25 More Statist Propaganda Phrases
The Not-So-Current Year: 2016 In Review
Book Review: Our Sister Republics
Leave Otto Warmbier In North Korea
Ten Observations on the Fall of Aleppo
Book Review: The Essential Guide to Freelance Writing
Neoreactionaries Are Off Their Heads About Trump
The Economic Fallacies of Black Friday: 2016 Edition
A Campaign Against the Commission on Presidential Debates
Thirteen Observations on the 2016 Election
Against Vote Swapping: A Rebuttal to Penn Jillette
Democracy, Violence, and Libertarian Social Order
Are Libertarians A Joke? A Rebuttal to Milo Yiannopoulos
Book Review: The West Point History of the Civil War
The Strategic Libertarian Case For Supporting Hillary Clinton
Defending the Hoppriori Argument
Seven Observations on the Charlotte Protests
On the Use of Force Against the Commission on Presidential Debates
This Is (Probably) Not The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetime
The Economic Illiteracy of Liberty Mutual, Part II
How to Peacefully Protest the Commission on Presidential Debates
On Libertarianism and the Alt-Right
Disasters and the Pax Romana Problem
Seven observations on the Rio Olympics
Black Lives Matter Versus Libertarian Revolution
The Ethics Of Political Assassinations
A Libertarian Social Order In The Garden
The Case For Bringing Religion Into Politics
Make America Miss Again: The 2016 Republican National Convention
Cleveland 2016: A Victory For Open Carry
An Overview Of Autistic Libertarianism
What Recent Killings Of Police Are Not
Government Will Not Hold Government Accountable
The Vice Presidency Is Assassination Insurance
The Libertarian Case For Private Nuclear Weapons
Supreme Court upholds racism, rejects meritocracy
Eleven observations on the Orlando shooting
Fifteen Life Lessons from Lifting
Requiem for a Dumpster Fire: The 2016 Libertarian National Convention
On My (Lack of) Use of Profanity
Why We Need More Political Violence
On Libertarianism and Punishment
The Glorious Delegitimizing of the American Presidency
Libertarianism and Reaction: Pieces of a Whole
On Air Ownership and Pollution
The Case For Damages For Abortion
A Glossary of Social Justice Warrior Terminology
Ten Observations On The Brussels Attacks
Unrepentant Aggressors Must Die For Liberty
A Case Against The First Amendment
Resolve To Understand The Struggle
The not-so-scary implications of arguments against open borders
Charlotte City Council Takes A Stand Against Liberty
Why I have parted ways with Examiner
The Decline Of Twitter (And What To Do About It)
Would Ron Paul Have Defeated Barack Obama? An Educated Guess
Rethinking ‘No Victim = No Crime’
Seven observations on the end of the Rand Paul 2016 campaign
The Libertarian Case Against Trump
Nine observations on the Oregon standoff
A case against the Nineteenth Amendment
The Not-So-Current Year: 2015 In Review
‘Giving Back to the Community’ is Communist Propaganda
On libertarianism, reaction, and Trump
The Ethics of Using Force Against Planned Parenthood
The economic fallacies of Black Friday: 2015 Edition
The Pragmatic Libertarian Case Against Open Borders
Ten observations on the Paris attacks
Youliy Ninov’s Case Against Anarcho-Capitalism
Matt Zwolinski’s Case Against Libertarianism
Eight observations on the death of Irwin Schiff
Bring Back the Joust: A Modest Proposal
There Is No Such Thing As Security
Defending The Reservation Scalper
Vester Flanagan Was A Model Social Justice Warrior
The economic illiteracy of Liberty Mutual
America is both fascist and communist? An explanation
The Pragmatic Libertarian Case for a Nuclear Iran
A stateless solution to the problem of water pollution
A Measure Of Communism In America
Eight observations on the Memphis police shooting
A Measure Of Fascism In America
The Most Likely Reason For Disarming Social Security Beneficiaries
Planned Parenthood and Ukraine: There Is No Such Thing As Non-Lethal Aid
Why Fixing Greece Requires Anarchy
An explanation of Litecoin’s price spike
Why libertarians should oppose Obergefell v. Hodges
Seven observations on the Charleston church shooting
Supreme Court gives raisin farmers fake freedom
Rape accusation culture strikes at Amherst College
Eight observations on the subpoena of Reason Magazine
The Laura Kipnis case and the battle against thought police
A case against the Eighth Amendment
Eight observations on the sentencing of Ross Ulbricht
Austin Petersen’s Case Against Libertarianism
Why Charles Murray’s Strategy Is Bad, But Should Be Tried Anyway
Police And Criminals: When To Pull For No One
How To Stop Government Bitcoin Sales
Ten observations on the Baltimore riots
The Libertarian Case Against Rand Paul
Why The DEA Prostitution Scandal Should Not Be A Surprise
How Rolling Stone Is Advancing Rape Accusation Culture
Rand Paul’s CPAC 2013 speech: a philosophical libertarian response
Why Paul Krugman Is Wrong About Social Security And Public Goods
Why Good (Government) Police Cannot Exist
The Pragmatic Libertarian Case for Nuclear Proliferation
A libertarian case against mandatory voting
The 100 and a libertarian perspective on innocent shields
25 statist propaganda phrases and how to rebut them
Five observations on the Department of Homeland Security funding debacle
An open letter against an open letter to Ron Paul
Libertarians Must Be Spellwarriors
On American Sniper And Human Farming
Six observations on the conviction of Ross Ulbricht
But Who Will Build The Death Camps?
The fallacies of blaming Walmart for obesity
How The USDA Ruined Burns Supper
A case for self-defense against Child Protective Services
The Dark Side Of Decentralization
Police Assassinations Versus The Non-Aggression Principle
Four uncomfortable truths about government militaries
The economic fallacies of Black Friday: 2014 Edition
Seven observations about events in Ferguson
Seven virtuous ideas that require anarchy
How would X work without the state?
How an anarcho-capitalist society could save us from parades
A response to arguments against the CIA torture report
NYPD officer gets away with murder of Eric Garner
Twelve arguments for voting and how to refute them
A Taste Of Armageddon For The Voting Booth
Why Economic Patriotism Is Nonsense
Why Robert Pittenger is essentially correct about discrimination
Eight Negatives Of Economic Sanctions
Real libertarians say: immigration is a government program
The five Ws of fake libertarianism
Free Markets Require No Regulation
Six observations on the secession of Crimea
Book Review: Selected Salvos from the Loose Cannon Libertarian
Arguments for stimulus and how to counter them
Coal Ash Pollution And A Free Market Solution
On Peter Schiff, minimum wage, offensive terminology, and philosophy
Defending Panthers Ticket Scalpers
How The Salvation Army Commits The Broken Window Fallacy
The Federal Reserve Turns 100: A Timeline Of Economic Mismanagement
Book review: It’s a Jetsons World
Sriracha pollution and how a free society might handle it
The Truth About the History of U.S. Sovereign Default
We are not a country of anarchists: a philosophical rebuttal
Book review: Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion
Book review: Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion
The Real Reason Why We Pay Taxes
Book review: The Handbook of Human Ownership
Book review: Education Free and Compulsory
The Moral Crimes Of The IRS And Their Punishments
The Unfairness Of The Marketplace Fairness Act
Book review: We Who Dared to Say No to War
A president frequently forgotten on Presidents Day
Scientific thoughts about the New Year
The Hobbit and its significance for libertarians
The Moral Crimes Of Taxation And Their Punishments