The “Open Borders For Israel” Challenge

By Bionic Mosquito

Originally Published on Bionic Mosquito

I have a proposition for those libertarians who support open borders.  Write a defense of your thesis regarding the nation-state of Israel.  Make it convincing.  Get it published at one or more of the sites that regularly pound the table for open borders.

If the theory is valid and universal – as is claimed by many, if not all, of you – then you must find a credible application for Israel.


I am challenging specifically:

Jacob Hornberger
Sheldon Richman
Steven Horwitz
Jeffrey Tucker

The sites to which your defense should be posted include:

Foundation for Economic Education
Future of Freedom Foundation
Bleeding Heart Libertarians

So, the issue at hand: write your defense of open borders for Israel.  Publish it at one of the several sites that has no fear advocating for open borders.

Suggested Reading:  The Libertarian Case Against Open Borders

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Published by Bionic Mosquito

Author of the Bionic Mosquito Blog Why bionic mosquito? Some talking head on CNBC, when referring to Ron Paul, called him a “mosquito.” My reaction – if he is a “mosquito”, he is a pretty powerful one. Hence the name…. If there is one day a resurgence of freedom and liberty in the West, history will record that Ron Paul was the one individual most responsible for sparking the movement. View all posts by Bionic Mosquito

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