Book review: Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion
Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is a book about communication of libertarian ideas written by Michael Cloud. The book is a sequel to Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion.
Mr. Cloud’s approach is to begin with insights about the nature of libertarianism as well as libertarian positions on various issues. He then tells stories and parables to illustrate points about libertarian communication, and finishes by discussing a number of persuasion techniques.
The book goes into more detail about specific issues than the first book, and is better for it. The discussions on health care, the nature of credit, and the effect of minimum wage laws are especially enlightening, and the essays about the need to define terms correctly touches on an issue that is of paramount importance for anyone who wishes to have a rational discussion. But like the first book, the focus on political libertarianism rather than philosophical libertarianism remains, along with the minarchist stance of Mr. Cloud’s writing throughout the book.
While Mr. Cloud’s libertarianism may not be 100% philosophically pure, his book is still very useful for those who seek to convince others of the benefits of individual liberty and limited (or no) government.
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