A Glossary of Social Justice Warrior Terminology
March 30, 2016
The use of language by social justice warriors frequently departs from both the dictionary definitions and the common understanding of words by most of the general population. As such, a guide to social justice warrior speech may be helpful to the layperson, along with commentary about how their uses of words relate to reality. This will take the form of an informal and potentially humorous glossary, which will not be exhaustive due to some terms being understood in the same manner by social justice warriors and the layperson, and due to the continual invention of new terms. This glossary will focus on how such terms are used in practice rather than how social justice warriors might define them in theory.
Ableism(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects people with disabilities, regardless of validity.
Ablesplaining(verb): condesplaining by a able-bodied person to a disabled person. See Condesplaining
AFAB/AMAB(abbreviation): assigned female/male at birth. This tends to be a statement of biological reality concerning people whose brains do not conform to said reality.
Ageism(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects young or old people, regardless of validity.Agesplaining(verb): condesplaining to a person of a different age. See Condesplaining
Agender(adjective): a person who identifies with no gender. Usually (but not always) a denial of biological reality.
Anti-Semitism(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects Jewish people, regardless of validity.
Appropriation(noun): the use of parts of a culture by someone who does not identify as a person from that culture. Although appropriation has been responsible for the spread of new and better ideas and technology throughout the world, social justice warriors view appropriation as problematic.
Bigender(adjective): a person who identifies as a mixture of two genders. Usually (but not always) a denial of biological reality. See IntersexBigotry1. (noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects a group which is said to lack privilege, regardless of validity. See Ableism, Ageism, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism, Transphobia.2. (noun): a combination of prejudice and power.
Brocialism(noun): the belief that socialism will result in gender equality.
CAFAB/CAMAB(abbreviation): coercively assigned female/male at birth. A term used by social justice warriors for an intersex child who is assigned a gender by parents and/or doctors.
Cisethnic(adjective): a person who identifies with the ethnicity indicated by their externally observable features. This is usually a sign of a healthy mind.
Cisgender(adjective): a person who identifies with the gender indicated by their externally observable features. This is usually a sign of a healthy mind.
Cisplaining(verb): condesplaining by a cisgendered person to a transgendered person. See Condesplaining
Condesplaining(verb): the act of a person said to be privileged explaining something to a person said to be oppressed in a manner believed to be condescending. In practice, there need not be anything inappropriate or condescending about said explanation.
Consent(verb): to agree to participate in an activity, especially activity of a sexual nature. Consent cannot be given when someone is intoxicated, unconscious, or has been threatened or manipulated into compliance, but social justice warriors only recognize this if a female is in such a condition.
Content Warning(noun): an alternative to trigger warnings which was created because some people complained that a trigger warning is itself triggering. See Trigger Warning and Triggering
Dangerous(adjective): See ProblematicDerail(verb): to divert a discussion from its intended topic. This is frequently done by social justice warriors through a variety of means, including accusations of bigotry, unchecked privilege, etc.
Discrimination(noun): the expression of any less-than-favorable preference toward a person or group believed to be less privileged or more oppressed than oneself, regardless of validity.
Econosplaining(verb): condesplaining by a wealthier person to a poorer person. See Condesplaining
Essentialism(noun): the idea that people, objects, and ideas can be identified based on externally observable features. Although this is empirically true, social justice warriors consider this idea to be problematic.
Ethnocentrism(noun): the idea that one’s own culture is superior to others. This is viewed negatively by social justice warriors, even if it is factually justified.
FAAB(abbreviation): See AFABFeminism(noun): the idea that women should have the same rights and privileges as men without having the same responsibilities and drawbacks.
Gender binary(noun): the idea that there are only two genders; male and female. This is viewed as problematic by social justice warriors, despite being a biological truth (with the notable exception of intersex people).Gender equality(noun): the belief that people should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against on the basis of gender. Frequently accompanied by a denial of inherent biological differences between the genders.
Gender identity(noun): a person’s internal sense of gender. This may or may not be in alignment with biological reality.
Genderfluid(noun): a gender identity that changes over time. No biological basis for such an identity exists in humans.
Genderqueer(noun): an umbrella term for gender identities other than male and female. See Third gender
Hate crime(noun): a crime said to be motivated by bigotry against some aspect of the identity of the victim, such as race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability. Most social justice warriors deny the possibility of hate crimes against people who are said to be privileged.
Heterosplaining(verb): Condesplaining by a heterosexual person to an LGBT person. See Condesplaining
Hijra(adjective): see Third gender
Homophobia(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects homosexuals, regardless of validity. Note: Most social justice warriors deny the possibility of bigotry against heterosexuals, due to their belief that bigotry is a combination of prejudice and power.
Internalized oppression(noun): a term used to denounce a member of a group said to be oppressed who deviates from social justice ideology. Variants include internalized racism, internalized misogyny, internalized homophobia, etc.
Internalized superiority(noun): a term used to denounce a member of a group said to be privileged who deviates from social justice ideology.
Intersectionality(noun): the social justice warrior method for analyzing the various privileges or oppressions that a person may experience. This creates the progressive stack.
Intersex(adjective): a person who is born with genitals which are not male or female, but something in between. While a legitimate concern, social justice warriors spend relatively little time addressing it.
Kyriarchy(noun): see Intersectionality
MAAB(abbreviation): See AMAB
Manarchism(noun): the belief that social anarchism will result in gender equality.
Mansplaining(verb): condesplaining by a man to a woman. See Condesplaining
Men’s rights activist (MRA)(noun): any man who rejects social justice dogma, especially of the feminist variety.
Microaggression(noun): any activity that makes a social justice warrior uncomfortable. In reality, there is no such thing as a microaggression because the law of excluded middle requires that an act be either aggressive or non-aggressive.
Misogyny(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects females, regardless of validity. Note: Most social justice warriors deny the possibility of sexism against men, due to their belief that bigotry is a combination of prejudice and power.
Neutrois(adjective): See Agender
NTsplaining(verb): condesplaining by a neurotypical person to a neurodivergent person. See Condesplaining
Oppression1. (noun): discrimination at the group or societal level. See Discrimination2. (noun): see Microaggression
Other1. (noun): the idea that other people and groups are distinct beings different from oneself, even if they are not believed to be inferior.2. (adjective): a person or group recognized as distinct from oneself.3. (verb): to place another person or group into the position of an Other. This is generally a useful way of dealing with social justice warriors, as well as some of the more delusional types of people mentioned in this glossary.
Otherkin(adjective): a person who self-identifies as a non-human. Otherkin are either one of the most delusional types of people given consideration in social justice ideology or trolls who are faking it to make fun of social justice warriors.
Patriarchy(noun): a system of male dominance that suppresses non-masculine traits and behaviors. This is considered to be problematic by social justice warriors, even if such a system is formed voluntarily and proves more successful than other forms of social organization.
Policing(verb): to reprimand a person who is not acting in accordance with social justice ideology, regardless of validity.
Polysexual(adjective): a synonym for bisexual used by people who reject the gender binary.
Power1. (noun): a person’s perception of one’s ability to influence outcomes to meet one’s needs and wants.2. (noun): the ability to make decisions that affect another person3. (noun): control of societal institutions
Prejudice plus power(phrase): the social justice warrior standard for bigotry. This leads them to deny possibilities such as anti-white racism, misandry, heterophobia, cisphobia, and other bigotry against groups said to be privileged.
Pride(noun): the celebration of a non-cisgendered identity or non-heterosexual orientation, despite the fact that having such an identity or orientation is innate and not an accomplishment.
Privilege(noun): the sum of the advantages (or lack of disadvantages) that a person or group has, regardless of whether those advantages are innate, legitimately earned, or illegitimately taken.
Privsplaining(verb): See Condesplaining
Problematic(adjective): that which is at odds with progressive or social justice ideology, regardless of truth value. This glossary would be considered highly problematic.
Progressive stack(noun): an arbitrary and capricious method used to decide how privileged a person is relative to others. Often referred to by non-SJWs as the Oppression Olympics. See Intersectionality
Questioning(adjective): a person who is unsure of one’s gender identity or sexual orientation.
Racism(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects minority racial groups, regardless of validity. Note: Most social justice warriors deny the possibility of racism against white people, due to their belief that bigotry is a combination of prejudice and power.
Rape culture(noun): the belief that brutally victimizing women while they scream for help is considered to be socially acceptable.
Reactionary(adjective): See Problematic
Safe space(noun): a location where emotionally unstable and/or immature people who are upset may gather to receive comfort and counseling for the traumatic experience of being exposed to a mere difference of opinion.
Self-identification(noun): the idea that one can choose one’s identity, regardless of empirical facts.
Sexism(noun): see Feminism. Note: Most social justice warriors deny the possibility of sexism against men, due to their belief that bigotry is a combination of prejudice and power.
Shaming(verb): to suggest that degenerate behavior has negative consequences and should therefore be discouraged. Social justice warriors consider this to be problematic.
Shitlord(noun): a person who engages in problematic speech and/or behavior.
Sizesplaining(verb): condesplaining by a “normal-sized” person to a person widely perceived to be too small or large. See CondesplainingSocial construct(noun): an idea created and developed in society. While a valid concept, social justice warriors misuse this concept to reject a priori truths.
Stereotype(noun): a fixed image about a person or group that collectivizes them and denies their individuality. Social justice warriors tend to reject these unless they concern people said to be privileged, but they tend to ignore the fact that stereotypes frequently have a basis in reality.
Straightsplaining(verb): See Heterosplaining
SWERF(abbreviation): sex-worker exclusionary radical feminism. Some social justice warriors meet this description, while others find the concept to be problematic.
SWETERF(abbreviation): See SWERF and TERFTERF(abbreviation): trans-exclusionary radical feminism. Some social justice warriors meet this description, while others find the concept to be problematic.
Thinsplaining(verb): See Sizesplaining
Third gender(adjective): a distinct gender that is neither male nor female. No biological basis for such an identity exists in humans.
Transabled(adjective): a person who does not identify with the ability/disability indicated by their externally observable features. This is usually a sign of an unhealthy mind, and may lead a person to alter one’s externally observable features in an effort to make them resemble that of one’s ability identity.
Transethnic(adjective): a person who does not identify with the ethnicity indicated by their externally observable features. This is usually a sign of an unhealthy mind, and may lead a person to alter one’s externally observable features in an effort to make them resemble that of one’s ethnic identity.
Transgender(adjective): a person who does not identify with the gender indicated by their externally observable features. This is usually a sign of an unhealthy mind, and may lead a person to alter one’s externally observable features in an effort to make them resemble that of one’s gender identity.Transphobia(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects transgender people, regardless of validity. Note: Most social justice warriors deny the possibility of bigotry against cisgendered people, due to their belief that bigotry is a combination of prejudice and power.
Trigger Warning(noun): an advisory that following content may upset emotionally unstable and/or immature people.
Triggering1. (adjective): content may upset emotionally unstable and/or immature people.2. (verb): to engage in communication which may upset emotionally unstable and/or immature people.
Two-spirit(noun): see Genderfluid
Verbal violence(noun): the nonsensical idea that speaking words can inflict physical harm upon someone.
Victim blaming(verb): to suggest that people have some responsibility for their own well-being and self-defense.
Whitesplaining(verb): condesplaining by a white person to a person of color. See Condesplaining
Xenophobia(noun): any criticism or negative sentiment that affects people who are different from oneself, regardless of validity.
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