What does L+’s logo symbolize?
Our logo is a variation on the Celtic cross, which expresses harmony with nature’s law and acknowledgement of Western heritage as foundational to liberty. The four-way loop symbolizes eternal excellence in all directions.
Is L+ a libertarian organization?
We are a liberty advancement organization for people of good character. All three of our founders are libertarians, and two including the primary founder are voluntarists, which the libertarian movement generally regards as purists. More important to all of us, however, is advancing liberty within our lifetimes. This is why we welcome liberty-advancing non-libertarians and shun those who hinder the advancement of liberty, even if they consider themselves libertarian or conservative. Our movement can be thought of like a leg of commuter transit – you can get off anywhere along the route you like, but it goes only in one direction.
Is L+ a fascist organization?
See previous. See also What We Are Not.
Is L+ a free speech organization?
We have designated our public chat, which we use as a recruiting pool, as a moderated free speech zone for this purpose. Moderation serves to suppress content that drives good people away. From this we will invite those whom we believe to be of good character to our members-only areas. Members, once invited, will remain in good standing so long as they do not express antagonism towards our values. L+ is from top to bottom however, a haven of total academic freedom. We encourage vigorous good-faith discussion of all matters of fact and will not reject anyone for engaging in debate or disagreement.
Is L+ a religious organization?
We are a secular organization that supports religions that further liberty and reject those that hold it back.
Is L+ “pro-white” or whites-only?
We are vehemently anti-globalist, and globalism is viciously anti-white. Unlike globalists and third positionists, we do not assign to any individual any moral status conferred by race.
As for whites-only, this question is somewhat academic because the liberty movement is almost entirely white already and will be for the rest of our lifetimes. We firmly believe, however, that the movement is at its very strongest when united across racial lines, so Liberty+ is not racially exclusive in its membership (our primary founder is half-jewish). We also recognize, however, that in-group preference is an immutable biological universal that white people are uniquely and tragically vulnerable to being shamed against. Because whites, especially those of northwestern European stock, are the only race that has any significant affinity for liberty, the sovereignty of white nations is the most important liberty issue of our age. This is a significant reason why anyone who attacks it is excluded from our organization on character grounds alone.
Is L+ a traditionalist organization?
We seek to preserve all traditions that support liberty and reject those that hold it back. We don’t require members to be traditional in their private lives, only that they keep deviation from healthy traditions private enough to prevent distraction from our mission.
L+ sounds like a movement that I’d like to be a part of. How do I join?
Start by contributing to our public Telegram chat. If you consistently uphold the standards of L+ and show compatibility with our values and mission, we will send you an invite to be a full member.