Our long-term goal is to neutralize the effect the liberal world order (hereafter condensed to “System”) has on our lives.
The System is a predatory beast (the biblical one if you like) which feeds on productive people to survive. Once enough of these people are bled dry or drop out from the System it will starve to death. This process is already underway. The System’s semi-decentralized power structure helps conceal its tyranny to some degree but once advanced starvation sets in it will become nakedly totalitarian, using any and all means necessary to sustain itself. This is why those of us who go Galt cannot be content with simply hiding. In this electronically interwebbed world we live in there is little privacy. In its death throes the System will come after the productive and prepared in the same manner the Bolsheviks came for the kulaks, only this time armed with surveillance technology the Red murderers could only dream of.
It is fortunate for us therefore, that System agents’ proficiency with such technology will decline, having been poisoned by the D.I.E. in the Kool-Aid they have imbibed. The infrastructure supporting this technology will degrade both for this reason and systemic economic ones. The particulars such as the rate of collapse, the amount of blood spilled, and the locales where this occurs are uncertain.
What is certain, however is that there will be conflict and collapse, and we must act accordingly. The System’s strategy against us has been one of incrementalism, which has been quite successful thus far. The longer the system takes to collapse, therefore, the worse off we will be. This is why we cannot simply prep and hope for the best; we need to proactively accelerate the collapse. This means simultaneously strengthening ourselves for the long-term and weakening our enemies to bring about collapse in the short term. This long-short survival strategy takes several approaches:
Nurturing a parallel society
While the burgeoning surveillance technology mentioned above may be regarded as a menace, there is another technology of immense promise to us: blockchains.
The System’s engine is its centralized and fraudulent financial sector; which wields immense predatory power over those dependent on it. Blockchain technology, by contrast, is a neutral, highly decentralized online payment and record keeping system that, for the first time in human history, allows anyone to transact directly with anyone else in the world with an internet connection. This system represents a stake through the heart of the vampiric financial system that we have long suffered under. Its cryptocurrency application is its most prominent feature, and one of the broadest utility to our movement. Privacy cryptocoins such as Monero are of particular value. They are a medium of exchange that has proven extraordinarily difficult for the System to expropriate. They are to be the lifeblood of a parallel economy that will break our dependence on the System. Freedom, as distinct from liberty, means the scope of ability to act not limited to legal considerations, and while we have some measure of the latter left for now, as long as we are dependent on the System’s woke corporations for our bread we have effectively no freedom at all. Because political movements are economically costly it is only from a position of economic independence that we can mount a revolt to regain our political independence. Political liberation begins with economic liberation.
Apart from the constraints of System dependency itself, penury of whatever cause is itself an impingement on freedom. The Marxist slogan “a hungry man is not free” is, on a strictly literal level, correct on this. Prepping, which by definition is the acquisition of assets that are intended not to be used in the immediate term, is expensive in this regard. You cannot prep living paycheck to paycheck. For this reason we celebrate people on our side who create wealth in great measure, especially those who create jobs remunerative enough to allow those who hold them to properly prep their households, however large. To further this we offer a framework that confers robustness against neo-Marxist subversion. While it is a truism that for a businessman to prosper he should hire only the best people for the job, what does “best people” actually mean? There are, after all, many subversives in possession of the raw skills and experience necessary, and if hired solely on that basis into policymaking positions they will take over the business through nepotism. To counter this we offer what we term the Full Merit employer designation, similar to Equal Opportunity or Affirmative Action but opposite in effect. Full Merit requires an employer’s criteria as to what constitutes merit to include, in addition to skills and experience, at a minimum absence of opposition to meritocracy itself. For the sake of expediency we endorse discrimination on the basis of group proxies for this. Under no circumstances can a Full Merit employer allow a nepotist into any policymaking position. Conservation of meritocracy requires nepotism for the the meritocratic.
Taking Local Dominion
The saying “all politics is local” is true because no matter how vast an empire, without boots on the ground to enforce its policies in any given location, that location is its own sovereign country. To properly protect our parallel society we need our people in key positions of local authority. Two such positions are sheriff and Republican Party precinct chair. The platform is simple: Toughness on crime wherever it comes from, including from the Federal government. The sheriffs around the country who have already vowed to arrest for trespassing any Federal agent who attempts to violate the 2nd Amendment are an excellent example of whom we endorse. We hope to augment their platforms with nullification of the Civil Rights Acts pursuant to public safety.
To elevate as many candidates as possible to such positions we will have some of our members run for office themselves and provide consulting to aligned candidates. We stress the qualities of bravery, good optics, good faith, and uncompromising defiance of the System.
There are certain institutions, however, that are by their very nature destructive and in this regard only advance the System’s interests as long as they exist. One of the System’s most heinous institutions of all is government schooling; with regard to the poisoning of our children’s minds we are not reformers but abolitionists. We are therefore in this domain also accelerationists, seeking to capitalize especially on the furor surrounding the teaching of the europhobic pseudoscience known as Critical Race Theory. As noxious as CRT is, we can actually redirect its’ divisiveness in two ways that benefit us: Poisoning the government school system to death with it and raising white racial awareness. We therefore, seek to amplify CRT’s most aggressive proponents, either true believers or our own agents posing as such. Our objective is to make the System’s schools intolerable for ideologically conscientious parents to keep their children in. There is a crucial out, however, that we promote: Total educational choice, familiar to the public as Educational Savings Accounts that gives parents who wish to opt out of government schools a pro rata tax refund toward their children’s education, whatever form that takes. In effect we are benevolent school arsonists smoking sane parents out of the System while opening all the doors and windows we can for them. Our approach, ironically enough, is left-libertarian this way. This will result in the System’s schools being drained of funding and quality students, with such students gaining exposure to quality ideas.
There are ultimately negative returns to CRT in schools even from an accelerationist standpoint, however. Negative returns would set in when the vast majority of conscientious parents have been driven from System schools and the teaching of CRT further weakens the spirit of remaining pupils. This would occur because most parents are not especially ideological or conscientious. For them, we need to ensure our ideological dominance over the curriculum. This is why we wish to amplify the controversy around CRT but not actually have CRT taught. Truly conscientious parents have many non-ideological reasons to avoid System schools anyway. We want our own people to take over school boards and education departments as well so that pupils are exposed to full-context history, especially the full context of System schooling itself. This serves as a hedge in case of the persistence of mass-franchise democracy and socialized schooling together, where ultimately we seek to educate the masses well enough that they vote to abolish the abomination of socialized schooling.
Other institutions we intend to accelerate to destruction are the welfare state and the governments of large leftists cities around the US. A national immigration moratorium is a pipe dream and even if it were enacted, birthrate differentials between heritage Americans and aliens still doom the former if the latter are not quarantined. We therefore are committed to forcing the System’s supporters to pay the full costs of the diversity they profess to love. A key plank in the platform of any political candidate we endorse needs to be the dumping of any diversity the globalists intend to “enrich” us with on the globalists and their leftist useful idiots in the places where they live. In doing so we will overload their welfare rolls and overwhelm their already hamstrung police forces, sending these neo-Babylonian hives into chaos and ruin, preoccupying our enemies with far too much for them to so much as even attempt to molest us anymore.
The above measures serve to intensify national polarization and animosity, bringing the country closer to the national divorce we liberty lovers need. An important avenue toward this goal is consolidation and accession of heritage American counties to pro-liberty, pro-American states. Examples of movements toward this end include the Greater Idaho Project and the Best Virginia movement. Formal secession from the globalist-occupied federal government is likely the last stage, which we also agitate for explicitly while recognizing that formal balkanization usually occurs long after de-facto independence has already been achieved.
To protect our parallel society from the System we need to coordinate defense. For each of us to wait in isolation for them to come for our lands and families one by one is suicide, and we cannot rely solely on allied local officials to protect us either. The Bundy Ranch standoff is testament to the efficacy of coordinated private defense against the System. The System’s agents are by and large cowards; attacking dissidents only when they have the advantage of overwhelming force. When they are confronted with force capacity competitive with their own they back down. The most effective means of mustering this capacity is the formation of tightly knit local cells comprising just a handful of confidantes who are able to rush to one another’s aid at a moment’s notice. While best OPSEC practices demands that these cells be anonymous to one another, they can still rely on central hub organizations such as ours for funding and intelligence regarding strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats at the national level. Efficacy as a hub organization requires success in networking the submerged aristocracy among Ron Paul’s Remnant: businessmen, intellectuals, media influencers, and military leaders. We seek to be a conduit between this aristocracy and ground warriors for liberty all around the West. Together we will be an unstoppable force.
Beautifying Our World
Mohandas Ghandi may have been a Marxian but he was also a resolute nationalist who supported the Axis nations in their struggle against the same System we face today. His adage “you must be the change you wish to see in the world” is right: The most effective way to win people over to our movement is to project the strength of character that defines membership in our organization. We take good optics to the next level; all members are required to make continual effort in increasing their health and wealth. A major mission of our organization as a whole is improvement of societal health with eugenics. This goes far beyond mitigation of lower fertility among the more intelligent, however. It is a program of ensuring that the gene pool’s full array of talents and temperaments are nurtured in a way most conducive to peace, order, and achievement. One of the System’s most effective demoralization tactics is the defacement of our environment with soulless architecture, sleazy music, and obscene graffiti passed off as art. We can counter this by elevating great artists and designers among us, establishing a system of patronage between our aristocracy and such talents, known or to be discovered. The majority of us who are not of an artistic bent can beautify our communities through organized litter pick-ups, disaster relief efforts, and combatting of vagrancy. Performed in our organization’s kit, these activities will also serve as effective recruitment drives, as those who stop by to pitch in tend to have the kind of moral fiber we demand.